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Hello! I just want to share a little about how this blog's name came about and also, what you can expect from this site.

So, on to "How did BURDENS & JOKES come about?" Basically, my friends and I have been spamming the hashtags #Burden and #Joke on our Whatsapp conversation for quite awhile. We used the hashtags for the fun of it and it is just typical us to make things up anyway. Then, I realised that in life we often experience difficulties no matter how small or big they are. Aren't they called burdens in another way? Also, sometimes we would make fools out of ourselves by making those mistakes we never understand why we made them in the first place. We are probably considered jokes then. And ta-da! Burdens and Jokes are all part and parcels of life.

Now, we got the making of my site name down... Let's move on to what I am hoping to share with you folks on this site! Eating, shopping and travelling are my "THINGS". I am pretty sure they are most of your THINGS too. Like, who won't like to eat right?

Anyway, I visited South Korea in June 2014 for a short summer studies at Seoul National University. Taking that opportunity, I travelled around the country quite a bit and I want to share with you my 101 Ways to Survive & Have Fun in Korea (while not knowing much of their language)! I took a lot of photographs during my 6 weeks stay in Korea, so do expect a fair bit of photographs. Other than that, I would share other tiny bit and pieces of my life in Singapore (eat, eat, eat and shop).

So... STAY TUNED! See you guys, really soon.

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